Are you struggling to renew your mind and walk in the Truth of who God made you to be? Do you feel like you are waging a losing battle against your negative self-talk? Are you fatigued from the daily grind of struggling against yourself, your thoughts or your circumstances? In the Affirming Truths podcast with Carla Arges, you will find a safe place to feel seen and heard, as well as Biblically based encouragement and practical tips from my own life experience.

My mission is to empower and equip you to ditch the negative self talk, grow in God and build mental resilience. Hey, I'm Carla Arges. Daughter of the King. Wife. Mom. Mental Health Warrior. Trauma Survivor. And Avid Coffee Drinker. I spent years broken by trauma and mental illness, barely surviving the day to day struggles of my own inner dialogue. I believed the lies of the past, the hurtful things spoken over me and my own self defeating thoughts.

But then something happened. I reclaimed my identity in Christ, figured out how to renew my mind and built the mental grit needed to leave my past self behind and walk in the beautiful purpose God has over my life. If you are ready to say YES to replacing your negative inner dialogue, walking a life of God’s truth and reclaiming who you are - I’m the coach and mentor for you. Get ready to live out Romans 12:2 - be transformed by the renewing of your mind and live in God’s good, pleasing and perfect will.

S3.Bonus | Surgery Update Plus A Look at IHIWC
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S3.Bonus | Surgery Update Plus A Look at IHIWC

In this bonus epsiode Carla comes to you from her bed where she is recovering after knee surgery.

She shares her journey so far, including how God is sustaining her through the pain after declining prescription pain killers to protect her sobriety.

Carla also provides more details into what In His Image Wellnes Collective is all about - and invites you to become a part of it during September enrolment.

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S.3 EP.18 - Are you serving in your local church?
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S.3 EP.18 - Are you serving in your local church?

Join us for the final episode of Season 3 and Affirming Truth's first year of podcasting! Carla challenges believers to embrace their responsibility as members of the body of Christ and serve their church with their spiritual gifts. Discover the blessings and joy that come from fulfilling this mandate. Don't wait to be asked—seek opportunities to serve and be a blessing!

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Carla Arges Carla Arges

S3 Bonus | Do I really need to worship even when I don't feel like it? Angela Pitnikoff challenges us to look at worship a new way

Do you ever show up Sunday and just don't feel like worshiping because of the week you've had? Or maybe you're just not "feeling" the song? What role is worship really supposed to play in our lives? And is it just for Sunday's?

Carla sits down with worship leader and host of The Kingdom Daughters podcast, Angela Pitnikoff for a real and challenging discussion about worship.

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S.3 EP.17 - The World wants you to "Do what makes you happy."
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S.3 EP.17 - The World wants you to "Do what makes you happy."

Discover why "Do what makes you happy" is flawed advice. Carla delves into the pursuit of purpose over fleeting happiness, exploring biblical examples and the long-term joy, fulfillment, and peace that come with living in alignment with your God-given purpose. Unveil the keys to a life of impact and reflection as you embrace your true identity in Christ. Tune in now!

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S3 Bonus | Personal Life Update - My struggle with alcohol
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S3 Bonus | Personal Life Update - My struggle with alcohol

If you follow Carla on her Instagram Page, you know she has been open about her struggle in using wine as a coping mechanism since she was a child. In this bonus episode Carla provides an update on her journey to break free of this bondage that has had a very strong grip on her.

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S.3 EP.16 - Is your prayer life just abut asking God to meet your needs?
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S.3 EP.16 - Is your prayer life just abut asking God to meet your needs?

Discover the transformative potential of prayer as Carla explores the misconceptions and limitations that hinder our prayer lives. Learn from the model of the Lord's Prayer, embrace intimacy with God, and cultivate a rich prayer life filled with praise, surrender, repentance, and seeking His guidance. Break free from discouragement and experience the joy of connecting with God in a deeper way. Tune in now for valuable insights and practical tips.

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S.3 EP.15 - Do you numb out your hard feelings?
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S.3 EP.15 - Do you numb out your hard feelings?

Discover practical tips on navigating difficult emotions and seeking God's presence in the midst of your struggles. Join Carla as she shares her journey of overcoming numbing coping mechanisms and breaking free from the shame cycle. Learn how to sit with your emotions, replace unhealthy habits, and find healing through the power of the Holy Spirit. Don't let past lies rob you of God's best—embrace hard feelings and steward your life for the Kingdom. Tune in now for an empowering episode.

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S.3 EP.14 - Are we being the mothers God is calling us to be?
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S.3 EP.14 - Are we being the mothers God is calling us to be?

Are you being the mother God has called you to be? Or do you find yourself reacting from your own place of hurt and insecurity? In this episode Carla challenges us to raise confident kids by modeling God in our motherhood. Be encouraged as you listen to this episode.

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S3.Bonus | What would it look like if you took radical responsibility for your decisions and starting stewarding your whole life for the kingdom?
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S3.Bonus | What would it look like if you took radical responsibility for your decisions and starting stewarding your whole life for the kingdom?

In this Bonus episode, Carla shares what God has been challenging her with these last couple of months - and challenges you with it too.

What would happen if you looked at your whole life through the lens of stewarding it for the kingdom?

What would change if you took radical responsibility for your decisions and habits?

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S.3 EP.13 - Do you struggle with your thought life?
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S.3 EP.13 - Do you struggle with your thought life?

In this episode we are addressing a major component to renewing your mind - taking thoughts captive.  Carla challenges us to not just look at thoughts that make us feel bad - like “My past disqualifies me from being used by God. - but at thoughts that are rooted in our sin nature like lust, pride, anger and more.

Be encouraged as you continue to be transformed into the likeness of God!

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S.3 EP.12 - Are you weighed down by habitual guilt?
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S.3 EP.12 - Are you weighed down by habitual guilt?

Guilt can be a sign of a functioning moral compass - and that's a good thing! But for many women - myself included - habitual guilt is an ever present oppressing force that is robbing us of walking in our anointing

All the "I should have...", "I should be.." are based on unrealistic - and often unbiblical - standards we place on ourselves.

Use these 4 steps to break out of habitual guilt and live with more freedom and ease.

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S.3 EP.10 - Are you actually living in freedom?
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S.3 EP.10 - Are you actually living in freedom?

Happy Canada Day! Happy Independence Day! So much talk of freedom around this weekend - but how many of us are really living in the freedom Christ bought for us? In today's episode Carla shares 3 tips on how to walk in REAL freedom.

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S3 Bonus | Do you struggle to create a morning routine that starts your day off right? Get some tips - and perspective - for morning routine master Kari Davis.
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S3 Bonus | Do you struggle to create a morning routine that starts your day off right? Get some tips - and perspective - for morning routine master Kari Davis.

Morning routines are such an important way to start the day - and including Jesus in that routine is paramount!  But what does a morning routine look like?  How can we start one - and stick with it when depression or anxiety creeps in?  In this episode Carla chats with Kari Davis from the The Well Health & Wholeness Podcast.

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S.3 EP.9 - Does your social media use leave you feeling not good enough?
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S.3 EP.9 - Does your social media use leave you feeling not good enough?

Studies show that social media use is increasing the amount of anxiety and depression people feel on a regular basis.  A lot of this is rooted in the comparison that happens online.  What does the Bible say about it? And how do you align to God's will?  Carla shares the 4 steps she had to take to break the online comparison game and start living in God's plan for her life.

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S.3 EP.8 - How can God love me if he allowed me to suffer?
Carla Arges Carla Arges

S.3 EP.8 - How can God love me if he allowed me to suffer?

In this episode we have a tough conversation - how can we trust the love of God when He has permitted suffering to happen?  As a survivor of trauma, it's a question Carla has wrestled with. Listen to how she's reconciled this in her life through 4 new perspectives to have when bad things happen and remembering the character of God.

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