S3 Bonus | When God Calls You to Something That Doesn't Make Sense - How to Move in Faith with Gabe Cox


In this Bonus episode Carla sits down with Gabe Cox of the Goal-Driven Moms podcast and talks about a time in Gabe's life when God called her to do something that just didn't make sense given the circumstances. Learn how Gabe remained faithful and out doubt in it's place.

Connect With Gabe:

Website: https://redhotmindset.com

Instagram: @gabecox_redhotmindset – https://www.instagram.com/gabecox_redhotmindset/

Free Simplicity and Motherhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4MindfulMamas

Goal-Driven Moms Podcast: https://redhotmindset.com/podcast/

  • Carla introduces her new friend, and host of Goal-Driven Moms podcast, Gabe! Gabe shares that she is an author, podcaster, coach, always-learning homeschooling momma, and wife whose mission is to “Help women turn their passions into purpose by pursuing goals God’s way.”

  • Carla invites Gabe to share her story of remaining faithful to God in the process of waiting for Him to show up in His calling and promises in her life.

  • Gabe shares how she has always known “busy” and how God asked her to “come home” and let go of her job and allow him to take care of her and her family even as it was growing. 

  • Carla talks about how walking in obedience makes way for peace and asks Gabe to share how she processed and handled doubt and Gabe speaks how this season called her into deeper relationship with God so he could meet her in her doubt. 

  • Carla asks Gabe how she found space with God while in a season of business. She calls out God’s purpose in our seasons of stillness. Gabe talks about the concept of busy-ness being an idol, and that’s why God called her to stop. If we aren’t willing to take the rest He offers, He will find a way to bring you into it. Busy can be a distraction from our main calling.

  • Carla asks “What would you say to the woman who is being called into the unknown and struggling with the doubt that can accompany that call?” Gabe shares that nothing meaningful happens in our comfort zone. Gabe encourages women in the face of the unknown and fear of failure and speaks God’s “enoughness” into their calling. Gabe tells us that God wants our failures and frustrations, and says we don’t have to guard our hearts with God!

  • Carla shares that if God calls something that doesn’t make sense to us, we should get excited, because it means he’s going to show up for us! Gabe shares how God gets the credit when we allow Him to work through our weaknesses. She shares her personal experience, how her husband eventually got a job better than his last and they came out of their desert season richer in almost every capacity!

  • Gabe shares how she is always learning to trust and let go, and how her wilderness season is a source of remembrance and communion reminds her to believe in God’s purpose for whatever season she is in. She tells listeners to keep a gratitude journal to help them look back and remember God’s providence when it gets hard.

Scripture References:

- Psalm 31:14-15


Connect With Carla:

Inquire about 1:1 mentorship ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com

Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com

Come hangout on IG with me @carlaarges

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