S9.24 | Reflecting on 2024 and Seeking God's Vision for 2025


As we wrap up Season 9 and this year, I'm taking a longer break—about eight weeks—to seek God's will and clarity for the future. Today, I dive into the lessons I've learned this year, like the importance of staying the course, the power of prayer, and the foundational pillars of thriving such as renewing your mind and resting your body. Plus, I'll share the word God has placed on my heart for 2025. Let's journey together through my reflections, and as always, be encouraged by the hope, joy, and peace found in Christ. Don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and connect with me on Instagram @Carla.Arges. Let's get started!

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Key Takeaways

The Power of Prayer:

  • Highlighting the power of prayer, Carla reminds us that God answers prayers, both big and small. She encourages listeners not to limit how God answers and to stay open to His miraculous ways.

Daily Surrender:

  • Surrendering daily to God is crucial for experiencing true freedom. Carla shares that daily submission to God’s sovereignty brings peace and fulfillment, allowing us to walk boldly in the freedom offered through Christ..

Encouragement for 2025:

  • Encouraging listeners to seek God for clarity and direction for the new year, Carla assures that God's wisdom is readily available to those who ask. She encourages a heart posture of submission to embrace the new year with peace and joy.

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Carla Arges [00:00:08]:

Hey, friends. Welcome to Affirming Truths. I'm your friend and host, Carla Arjez. This show is a safe place to share our struggles, grow in faith, and root our identity in Christ.

Carla Arges [00:00:20]:

My hope is that you will leave.

Carla Arges [00:00:22]:

Each episode feeling encouraged in your journey. Subscribe so you don't miss an episode.

Carla Arges [00:00:27]:

And it would mean the world to.

Carla Arges [00:00:28]:

Me if you would leave a review. I am so glad you're here. Let's get started.

Carla Arges [00:00:36]:

Hello, friends. Welcome to this last episode of 2024. Yes, that's right. It's the end of season nine. It's the end of the year. Now. I normally take two or three weeks off in between seasons. This time I'm actually taking a longer break as I seek God, as I seek his will and clarity.

Carla Arges [00:01:05]:

This is the last episode of 2024 and I will be back mid January. I will be back, but this time I am taking about an eight week hiatus from the podcast, which means there's lots of time for you to binge past episodes that you may have missed today. I really just wanted to talk a little bit about what I've learned this year, what God has been teaching me, and what he is already starting to give me clarity on for 2025. And so my word this year was actually a phrase and it was stay the course, stay the course. That is what God called me to this year. And I didn't do it perfectly. One of the things I learned this year, which wasn't necessarily brand new information, but one of the things I learned this year is that my human inclination, my pride, is to go my own way and do things my own way. So while God called me to stay the course of the directive he gave me, if I'm honest, and I look back at 2020, I can see moments where I got off course.

Carla Arges [00:02:31]:

I got off course distracted and trying to do things in my own way. And while I see that that did not produce what God wanted to produce, where I can see that that was energy and time and dollars wasted, I am so glad that God doesn't give up on us. Right. You know, maybe you're sitting here too, and you're like, wow, yeah, I'm reflecting on 2024. And there are times that I kind of just tried to do things my own way. Right. You know, kind of like Abraham when he wasn't seeing God's promise with Sarah right away, he tried to take it into his own hands with Hagar. And we all know that didn't work out well.

Carla Arges [00:03:22]:

Well, I had some Abraham moments this year. And maybe you did too. I want to remind you, though, that God did not forsake his promise to Abraham because Abraham went off course, that God was true to his covenant with Abraham, that God brought him back on course, that God forgave him, and that God was faithful. And so I want to encourage you today, just like I've been encouraging my own spirit, that if you may have gotten off course this year, if you may have gotten. Gotten in your own way and tried to do things on your own, God's promises for you are still yes and amen. And he wants to draw you back to his call on. On your life. He wants to draw you back to the purpose he has for you.

Carla Arges [00:04:10]:

And that's so beautiful that God does not give up on us, that God does not forsake us even when we forsake Him. The other thing that I've learned this year is that God answers prayer big and small. And while I've intellectually always known that, and while I have experientially seen that, felt that it's something that I always need a reminder of. I don't know, am I the only one with a thick skull here? I think this is why God instituted so many feasts and festivals for the Israelites. Because as humans, we're prone to forget and we need reminders. And I was just reminded this year that God answers prayer. Even in the last two weeks, I've been seeing God move in the areas that I've been praying. God answers prayer big and small, big and small.

Carla Arges [00:05:13]:

So I want to encourage you, do not give up on your prayers. I also want to encourage you, though, not to limit God in how he answers. Sometimes I think we say, God is not answering my prayer. And it's because we've only imagined one way that the answer can come. And God is God of the impossible. And God rarely does things in the way that we imagine, right? Because his ways are so much higher and he is so much greater. So don't box God in and miss what he wants to do. God answers prayer.

Carla Arges [00:05:55]:

It just may not look like how you expected or how you wanted. The other thing I learned this year is that my four pillars of thriving are actually very crucial. Like, they're my four pillars of thriving for a reason. And those pillars are to renew your mind, to move your body, to fuel your body, to rest your body. I have gone through seasons this year where I have allowed one or two of those pillars to get weak. And can I tell you, when you allow the pillar to get weak, the House falls down. Are you renewing your mind daily with the word of God? Are you fueling yourself in a way that glorifies God and respects your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit? Are you fueling yourself in a way that supports your mood? Are you moving your body? With what within whatever ability or limitations you have, Are you moving your body? Are you allowing that blood flow to go? Are you allowing yourself to work and run the race and take care of your vessel? Are you allowing the house happy hormones to release? Movement is so important if you struggle with your mental health and rest. We are in such a culture that despises rest, that looks down on rest, and no wonder it does, because the enemy wants to corrupt any good gift God gives us.

Carla Arges [00:07:32]:

And God has given us the gift of rest. In fact, it is one of the ten commandments that we rest. And it's so important. I recognize that coming back from Italy with such burnout and not taking time to rest and jumping right into things and it had a rough impact on me. I went through some rough times because of that trip to Italy and how I came back and how I didn't take time to rest and recover. My four pillars of thriving are crucial. The other thing I learned, experienced is that surrender is a constant position I need to be in. I can't just surrender the year at the beginning of the year, each and every day I have to surrender afresh.

Carla Arges [00:08:25]:

Each and every day I have to put my heart in a position of submission. Not submission to degrade myself, but in submission, in recognizing the sovereignty of God and His perfect will that he has for me. I have to surrender daily. I have to surrender my plans, I have to surrender my ideas. I have to surrender my my position. I have to surrender my business. I have to surrender my marriage, I have to surrender my son every day, sometimes moment by moment, I have to surrender. And true freedom in the life of a Christian comes from their depth of surrender.

Carla Arges [00:09:11]:

The greater the surrender, the more freedom I actually experience in my life. It's this crazy relationship, right? It is an upside down kingdom that surrender brings freedom. How opposite is that from the world when we see surrender as giving into opposition, as giving in up our rights? No know, in the upside down kingdom, surrender is freedom. And the more that I put myself in a position of surrender, the more boldly I can walk in the freedom that Christ paid for me at the cross of Calvary, friend, going into 2025, commit yourself to surrender. Commit yourself to submission. Commit yourself each and every day, in every moment, in every decision in every situation and see how the peace and joy of God permeates you and you walk in new freedom. Those are four things that I really learned as I tried to stay the course in 2024 and I've been praying the last couple of weeks. This coming Friday, I'm going to be doing some planning for 2025.

Carla Arges [00:10:31]:

Planning my coaching business, planning my writing, planning for the podcast, really seeking God's will. And I've been praying, asking for clarity going into this because it is my heart's desire to be surrendered to God as the CEO over my business and he has been so gracious to already give me my word for 2025. I don't have my scripture yet, still waiting on that, but I have my word. And can I tell you, while I was in such confusion and lacking clarity about what God would have me do in 2025, the word he deposited in my spirit has given me such focus. My word for 2025 is serve. Serve. How can I serve you better? How can I serve you better in my one in one coaching? How can I serve you better in my podcast? How can I serve you better in the resources I provide? How can I serve not just in my business? How can I serve my husband better? How can I serve my son better? How can I serve my church and my community better? Lord, give me a servant heart. Jesus came to serve.

Carla Arges [00:11:59]:

He came as a servant leader and that's where he wants me focused in 2025. So I want to encourage you to seek God on clarity. What does he have for you in 2025? What heart posture does he want you to enter this new Year in? I'm telling you, when you pray, God answers. These are prayers that he answers. We read in James that if we want wisdom, we can ask God for it and he will give it to us. He does not hold back. He does not hold back. God is good.

Carla Arges [00:12:41]:

This may not have been a good year for you in the in the way that we traditionally measure good, but God is good and God is faithful. And as the psalmist says, you can remain confident that you will see the goodness of God in the land of the living. And guess what? You are the land of the living because you are made new. You are made alive in Christ. God wants to do a good work in you. In you. How can you allow him to do that good work? How can you surrender to that good work? How can you partner with the Holy Spirit for that good work? Right? It has been such a blessing to be in your ear this year the last three years. Actually my podcast is just over three years old.

Carla Arges [00:13:40]:

I cannot believe it. But here we are three years later and it has been a blessing to serve you and I am so excited to see what God will reveal to me on what he wants for the podcast in 2025. And so as I leave you for the next eight weeks, I haven't fully gone. There are so many ways that we can stay connected. Number one, if you are struggling, I want to invite you to book a free discovery call with me where we can talk about your struggle and how I can come along and support you with one of my one on one coaching containers if you are struggling and you kind of want to work it through on your own. I have foundations to healing a self paced course that can be really impactful for you. You get lifetime access to it with all the updates. There's a new update coming at the end of November.

Carla Arges [00:14:44]:

I'm adding a whole module on nervous system regulation. It's going to be fantastic. Guys. I have devotions on the Bible app. If you are seeking some time in the Word and some devotions, those are free, you can go find me on the Bible app. Just search my name. I have a new devotion coming out for the Advent season. I think it will be out around December 3rd.

Carla Arges [00:15:10]:

The short one, just a four day devotion. You can be supported there. You can continue to listen to the podcast and episodes that you missed and be supported there. You can come follow me on Instagram at Carla Arges and we can connect there. You can slide into my DMS if you have a question or prayer request. There's lots of ways to get connected and there's lots of ways I can serve you. You can find out about all of these. Well, with the exception of the Bible app, you can find out about all of these on my website, carlis.com and I just pray.

Carla Arges [00:15:54]:

Actually, let me actually pray. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord God, I just pray for the listener right now, Lord God, first I want to thank you for their life. I want to thank you that you chose them, Lord, before the foundation of the ear to be in this specific time and place in history. Lord God, I want to thank you for their life, Lord God. You see that they may be struggling, Lord Jesus, struggling in their thoughts, struggling in their faith, struggling to hold on to hope, Lord God, I just pray by your spirit that you would anoint them afresh, Lord God, with your peace that surpasses all understanding, Lord God, I hope, I pray that you would remind them of the hope that they have in Christ that they will be reminded of the joy of their salvation, Lord God or God, that they would trust you your character, Lord God, and trust that you are working all things out for their good. Lord God, I pray that you would give them strength and hope in this holiday season. Or God, I pray that you would bless them. That you would bless them in their comings and in their goings, Lord God, that you would have their your hand on their life, Lord God.

Carla Arges [00:17:11]:

I pray, Lord God that 2025 will be a year where they flourish, Lord God, in new ways. It'll be a year of breakthrough. Breakthrough and growth and transformation. Lord God, I thank you that you hear our prayers. That we can approach your throne of grace freely, Lord God, that we can cast all our burdens at your feet, Lord God, Lord God, that we can lift up our petitions to you, Lord Lord, I thank you. I thank you that you are a good father. Lord God, we praise and exalt you right now for who you are. If you give us nothing else, you have given us all through your son and we magnify your holy name.

Carla Arges [00:17:56]:

Lord God, let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Be with us this day and in the days to come. In Jesus name. Amen. I love you friends. I'll see you or you'll hear me in the new year. Be blessed.

Carla Arges [00:18:23]:

Thanks for joining me today. I hope we're already friends on social media, but if we're not, come find me on Instagram, arlaarges or Affirming Truth. Can't wait to see you back here next week. Bye friends.


S10.01 | Healing and Growth in 2025: Setting a God-Centered Vision


S9.23 | Are Boundaries Biblical?