S4 Bonus | What I’m Leaving Behind in 2022
This is the last episode of Season 4!!!
Carla normally uses this time to set intentions for 2023, cast a vision and plan out goals. But in this season of waiting, she is putting “new year’s resolutions” on the back burner. Instead, Carla has been reflecting on things that got in her way of living out God’s plan for her life in 2022 - and is committing to leaving them behind in 2023.
She encourages you to reflect on the same - what do you need to leave behind?
If you want to hear about Carla’s process of dreaming and vision-casting for a new year, check out Preparing for A New Year, Part 1 & 2.
Questions to ask as you consider 2023:
What was your 2022 year like?
What didn’t serve you as you stewarded:
your wellness,
walking in your purpose, or
being gospel centered in your life?
Once you identify what is serving you and what is not serving you, declare what you want to bring with you, and what you need to leave behind.
Three Things to Leave Behind:
It’s hard to admit, but it’s so real, even for Carla, who coaches others ways out of comparison. Comparison is the thief of joy - it’s looking at other’s blessings so intently that you overlook your own. Carla grieves that she was robbed of joy in 2022 thanks to comparison, and she’s refusing to let it take up space in 2023.
Carla spent most of 2022 without realizing she was operating from a striving heart. Her heart was not positioned to rest in God’s peace and operate at His pace.
We tend to be our own worst critics. The reality is, we do have limitations. But the truth is that we can thrive within those limitations!
Connect With Carla:
Inquire about 1:1 coaching ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com
Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com
Come hangout on IG with me @carlaarges
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