S.2 EP.2 - When I’m Feeling…Depressed


Join me in this vulnerable episode as I share personal insights and strategies that have helped me navigate through depressive episodes. Note that seeking medical intervention is crucial if you're clinically depressed, experiencing suicidal thoughts, or unable to manage it alone. Don't miss this important discussion on finding hope and strategies during challenging times.

Key Takeaways:

- Carla tells us about “Blue Monday” - the saddest day of the year -  and why she chose to talk about depression today. She reminds us that depression is a medical, mental issue and to consult your doctor and get professional help if you believe you may have depression.

- We see examples of depression in the Bible - ie - Jeremiah cursing the day he was born. And God saw him where he was and gave him a promise that we would rescue him. Carla askes “can you bring your depression to God?”

- Depression is NOT your fault, but you are responsible to yourself! (Carla also distinguishes the difference between clinical and situational depression as she lays out her process to pull her brain out of the “fog”)

What do I do When Depression Overtakes Me?

  1. Take it to Jesus. Pray for a renewed sense of hope and purpose. Pray for physical strength and mental fortitude.

  2. Give yourself three productive things to accomplish. They can be small - ie, take a shower or a walk, make dinner for your family. One needs to be about personal hygiene, two needs to incorporate movement (even better if paired with worship music!) and three needs to be an action that serves someone else.

- This process is a partnership with God. 

You can use Carla’s “Who You Say I Am” to combat the lies with truth.


I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.

Scripture References:

*Key Scripture: Psalm 3:3

- Jeremiah 20

- Jeremiah 29:11


Connect With Carla:

Inquire about 1:1 mentorship ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com

Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com

Come hangout on IG with me @carlaarges

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S.2 BONUS - A Word of Encouragement


S.2 EP.1 - When I’m Feeling…Lonely