S.2 EP.7 - When I’m Feeling…ANGRY


In this episode, Carla delves into the topic of anger and its potential negative consequences such as unforgiveness, bitterness, and shame. She shares her own experience with anger and highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing the underlying emotions driving anger. Carla emphasizes that anger itself is not sinful and can be a catalyst for positive action, but when it leads to harmful behaviors or emotions, it needs to be restrained, re-evaluated, and released through forgiveness. Seek God's help in managing anger and finding healing.

Key Takeaways:

- Carla reflects on her struggle with anger and rage attacks and how it pointed to her bipolar and BPD. 

- When we allow anger to fester, it:

  • Breeds resentment

  • Allows unforgiveness 

  • Hardens our heart 

  • Can lead to guilt and shame (because of our responses)

  • Impacts our relationships and health. 

- Anger is a secondary emotion. It’s a covering for primary emotions - mainly:

  1. Fear/Worry OR 

  2. Sadness/Hurt. 

- Since anger comes so quickly, it’s hard to recognize the driving emotion. 

- Anger is not a sin. Even Jesus was angry. It can be a great tool to propel us to fight injustice and do good works. Ask yourself where your anger is leading you. If anger doesn’t lead you to good works, but sin (hurting others, resentment, unforgiveness, etc), then your anger is not righteous. Remember, God is SLOW to anger. A hasty temper damages relationships. 

- Being trapped in anger stops us from carrying out our purpose.

What do we do when we are caught in a cycle of anger?

  1. Restrain it.

    Be angry, but do not sin. Stop your tongue from speaking in anger. This takes practice.

  2. Re-evaluate it.

    Play detective, ask yourself “Why am I angry?” - remember that anger is a secondary emotion and you need to address the primary driving emotion and meet yourself in the opposite spirit. 

  3. Release it.

    Operating in forgiveness. Unforgiveness is a bitter pill that will rot you from the inside out. Ask God to help you to release it. 


I will be a detective of my anger and not let it drive my behavior.

Scripture References:

*Key Scripture: Ephesians 4:26

- Proverbs 14:29

- Ecclesiastes 7:9


Connect With Carla:

Inquire about 1:1 mentorship ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com

Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com

Come hangout on IG with me @carlaarges

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S.2 EP.8 - When I’m Feeling…Lost


S.2 EP.6 - When I’m Feeling…Unloved