S5 Bonus | Listener Question: How To Deal With A Mental Health Diagnosis


Carla is taking a question from the Affirming Truths Facebook Community - . 

How do you deal with receiving a mental health diagnosis???  

Carla shares her wisdom based on her personal experience - and offers hope for the future.


The First Step to Move Forward - Acceptance

There’s a lot of shame STILL associated with mental illness. It’s important to overcome that shame by asking “How do I move forward?” in your new reality rather than live in shame or denial.

So how do you practice acceptance? 

  • The Role of Grief 

It’s ok to grieve. It’s important to grieve. Nothing will be “normal” after a mental health diagnosis, and grieving that loss is an important release and gives permission to exist in your reality.

  • The Role of Education

Knowledge is power! Become an expert in your illness - learn how to identify your triggers, build a support system and understand how your brain works. Encourage your support system to understand 

  • Medication

Be willing to try it! Carla shares how medication helped her function fully within her calling and helped eliminate the devastating effects of her manic behavior. Understand that there’s a trial and error process with therapy and medication. 

God’s Sovereignty

Do you trust God? He didn’t give this to you, but He did allow mental illness to happen to you. Do you believe that He can build something out of this?

Does the thorn in your side point people to Jesus? You may not have chosen this life, but you get to decide how to steward it. 

It’s not easy, but it’s possible. Your life is not over. There are opportunities to THRIVE in it.

It’s time to change your perspective. God’s goodness is an answer to your “why”.

BONUS: Four Pillars of Thriving

Use these pillars and focus on them, allowing them to help stabilize you.

  1. Movement

  2. Nutrition

  3. Sleep

  4. Renewing the Mind

Hope & Trust is at the center of dealing with a mental health diagnosis as a Christian. 


Connect With Carla:

Inquire about 1:1 coaching ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com

Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com

Come hangout on IG with me @carlaarges

Check out the blog


S5 EP3 | How to Steward Your Pain for God’s Glory


S5 EP2 | 3 Reminders For When You Are Feeling Behind