S5 Bonus | I Have A Confession To Make


In today’s bonus episode Carla reveals a secret confession - and other struggles that she faces with her mental illness. 

Be encouraged that you are not alone in your walk - but also embrace the truth that no matter how you struggle with your mental health - you are still a beloved daughter of the King.


A Confession About the Impacts of Mental Health

Often, mental health illnesses lead to general overwhelm - a feeling Carla is very familiar with.

Carla shares today because she wants to:

  1. Let you know you’re not alone and

  2. Offer hope that mental illness does not define you

Finding Peace Through Acceptance: Coping with Frustration and Bipolar 

One facet of bipolar is not just dealing with the overwhelm that tends to accompany simple or everyday tasks (doing the dishes, taking a shower, holding down a regular job, etc), but also dealing with the frustration that also serves to incapacitate us! That frustration goes hand-in-hand with limiting beliefs:

“I am less than/incompetent”

“I am incapable and unworthy”

“I am a failure”

“I am un-usable to God”

We don’t have these beliefs about others when they’re facing limitations - we champion them. Imagine receiving that kind of acceptance and compassion for yourself.

Accepting you have natural limitations does not mean accepting beliefs born out of frustration. You can accept that you are less-than-perfect and God sees you, loves you and has grace and compassion and a plan to use you exactly as you are!

Your Worth in God's Eyes: Unchanged and Unconditional

None of the things that you struggle with take away the love God has from you for you. Nothing takes away your value and your worth. 

You are a treasure to God. He delights in you. He doesn't just love you. He likes you and delights in you. He wants to spend time with you. He wants to be the rock on which you stand.

You so many gifts. You have so much to contribute to this world. You have so much impact. You have so much empathy. You have such a generous heart.

With the blessing of increased empathy and a bigger heart, just imagine the incredible ways that God can use us.


Connect With Carla:

Inquire about 1:1 coaching ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com

Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com

Come hangout on IG with me @carlaarges

Check out the blog


S5 EP5 | How To Break Strongholds in Your Life: 3 Steps


S5 EP4 | Believing You Have A Call Even When You Feel Unqualified