S.2 BONUS - Friendships and Connecting with Yohonna Smith


Join Carla in a captivating conversation with Yohonna Smith from Girls Talking Life podcast as they explore the power of friendships and connection. Discover practical advice on connecting with other women and embracing a new perspective on friendship. Explore the importance of connection, rooted in our identity in Christ. Learn simple steps to overcome the fear of connecting and how to nurture relationships. Don't miss this insightful episode filled with wisdom and encouragement!

Key Takeaways:

  • Yohonna shares a bit about her life and her podcast, and about her heart to encourage women exactly where they are.

  • Carla asks Yohonna why connection is so important, and Yohonna simply replies that we are made for it. She elaborates how even God is in communion with the Trinity and furthermore how we are made in His image, how we were deemed good in His image, and how God himself states in Genesis that it is NOT good for man to be alone. When we are together, we grow. Yohonna quotes Paul in Romans to affirm this truth.

  • Carla asks Yohonna how women can get past the fear of connecting with others and Yohannah lays out some simple steps:

    • Remember that our identity is rooted in Christ - our safety net.

    • Look at what you already have!

    • Remember that you have something to offer - you are unique and needed in community! Get curious and start conversations, and practice, practice, practice! 

  • Yohonna continues to share examples of touchpoints for connection for women.

  • When Carla asks WHY women may have a more difficult time connecting, Yohonna responds that it all goes back to rooting yourself in Christ and appreciating the differences in women.

  • Yohanna talks about The Gathering Project and how it champions women to connect. Carla reflects on connection in her life, and Yohanna responds by affirming that taking the focus off yourself and putting your focus on the person in front of you takes the pressure off yourself and allows you to be a gift and a blessing. 

  • Carla and Yohonna discuss the process of building friendship and encourage listeners that it takes time and intention. Yohonna talks about relational labor and how nurturing relationships is walking in obedience. Carla puts a spotlight on the conviction of obedience. Yohonna reminds us that obedience and intention can be simple.

  • Yohonna reminds us that we are not alone, encourages us to keep looking for relationships and asking God for direction. She encourages listeners to take an action step from the conversation today!

Scripture References:

*Key Scripture: Hebrews 10:24-25

- Romans 1:11-12

- 1st Corinthians 15:58


Connect With Carla:

Inquire about 1:1 mentorship ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com

Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com

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