S4 EP2 | Are you thriving in your valley season? 6 tips to grow deeper in your faith in God.


Do you feel overcome by your circumstances?  Do you thrive during your valley seasons? Today Carla shares how she spent much of her Christian walk immature in her faith, tossed about by circumstance - and the key to growing deep roots in Christ.

Follow these 6 tips to develop a solid foundation in knowing who God is - and who you are in him.


Strength in Weakness 

Carla opens by sharing her current personal valley season, recovering from knee surgery and how she is working with and through her weakness. 

Here’s the truth - in our weakness, God is made strong. You can thrive in weakness. 

So here’s the question to ask “Am I thriving in my valley season?”

What does thriving look like?

  • Not being overcome

  • Looking in the face of our trial and moving forward victoriously

  • Not giving up

  • Keep taking baby steps of faith

The Power of the Word

Our biggest asset to thriving in the midst of trial is God’s Word. Get rooted in your identity and His character, so that, in the face of pain and discouragement, you hold onto HOPE and can keep moving forward in truth, despite circumstance. 

Carla shares how, even when she became a Christian, she was tossed around in the midst of her circumstances and emotions, because she didn’t know the Word. Her life today is evidence of how knowing the Word actually changes how we live better in the midst of our circumstances. 

You don’t need to be a scholar or go to bible college or need the constant guidance of a pastor to get into the word! Here’s some tips to make it less overwhelming.

Six Tips to Help You Study the Word of God

  1. Pick a translation that works for you.

    Don’t be bound by old school, unbiblical thinking that there’s only one true translation. Get a translation that you understand and makes scripture digestible to you.

  2. Pick a resource.

    You pastor doesn’t put sermons together without supplemental resources, and you shouldn’t expect to do it on your own either! It can be a bible study, a study bible, a concordance, etc.

  3. Pray

    Before you read the scripture, Pray for understanding, revelation, focus, attention.

  4. Read it twice.

    Reading twice gives your mind and spirit the opportunity to digest what you are reading.

  5. Make notes.

    Note what speaks to you, things that stand out, themes that you notice, context, etc. 

  6. Look for ways to apply it to your life. 

    Ask what the scripture is saying? Are you being taught, trained, corrected, exhorted? Reflect on it. How can you apply it? 

God did not give you His word to confuse you - He gave you the Word and the Spirit to illuminate the Word! You can understand it, and you can grow in a victorious life. 

As a Christian, your comfort isn’t found in your strength, but in the truth of who Christ is. 

Affirming Truth - I have the mind of Christ and I am capable of understanding His word

Key scriptures:

1 Corinthians 2:16

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Psalm 119:105

Psalm 119:11


Connect With Carla:

Inquire about 1:1 coaching ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com

Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com

Come hangout on IG with me @carlaarges

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