S4 EP6 | 5 Biblical Truths When You Are Facing Depression


Carla is no stranger to depression. She’s been battling an episode of depression while healing from knee surgery. 

Depression is a dark pit of despair that wants you to believe that there is no hope. But depression is a liar. 

Be encouraged as you learn about Five Biblical Truths you can cling to when you’re facing depression.


The Role of Depression

Carla shares her experience with depression, and shares how she is able to fight it with medication, therapy, support and getting rooted deeper in her identity and God’s character. This doesn’t mean she is never depressed - she just has the tools to overcome the waves as they come. 

Here’s the truth - depression is a liar and a thief. It works to:

  • Steal our joy

  • Rob us of purpose

  • Rob us of the life that God has planned for us

Intellectual knowledge is not enough to fight depression. The Hope of Jesus is. You are seen, known, understood, and relatable. There’s light, even in the thick of it.

Five Biblical Truths for When You are Facing Depression

  1. You are Not Alone

    God never leaves us. Depression tells us we are on our own, but God is going before you. He has not forgotten you. 

  2. You Do Not Have to Carry It All

    Though depression feels like a burden you have to carry alone, this is simply not true. Jesus calls you to cast your burden on Him - there’s a light & easy exchange in store for you.

  3. God Will Give You Strength

    God promises you that His strength is enough and He will uphold you. 

  4. The Victory Is Yours

    Jesus tells us He has already won, and we can dwell in peace in the midst of trial. Depression cannot overcome you because Jesus has already overcome it. Waves may come, but He is still our victory in this temporal world.

  5. You Have a Future

    God CAN use you, despite what depression tells you. Depression cannot rob you of your God calling - it is an eternal calling and gift. God has a future in store for you, with a heavy anointing. It may not look the way you expect, but God’s plans are so glorious.

You can replace the lies of depression with the truth of God. His word is full of deep, affirming truths to edify your spirit and body. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and there is so much in store for you!

Key scriptures: 

Deuteronomy 31:8

1 Peter 5:7

Isaiah 41:10

John 16:33

Jeremiah 29:11


Connect With Carla:

Inquire about 1:1 coaching ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com

Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com

Come hangout on IG with me @carlaarges

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