S4 EP4 | 4 Tips on how to Seek God during Life's Struggles


During struggles we are often tempted to try to get through it in our own strength.  Sometimes, if we're honest, we doubt God is willing to show up in our circumstance.  So we shut down.

But God has something more for us.  As we see in the sample of the Psalms, we need to seek God in our struggles.  Here Carla gives 4 tips - based on the Psalms, on how to seek God in earnest during hard times and shares a time she had to act on these tips when her son was hospitalized.


Our Sin in Struggle

Our tendency in struggle is to try to fix it on our own or shut down. Often, there are two extremes - solution mode or staying stuck in the middle of it. Here’s the truth - neither one of those are healthy responses. We should not be reliant on our own strength or overcome by our situation or circumstance. These are responses rooted in doubt, not faith. 

Biblical Response to Struggle

Look to scripture, particularly the Psalms & Habbakuk for a faithful example of dealing with struggle. It is Biblical to lament in the midst of tough stuff, but what sets us apart is how we respond after we honestly express our emotions - are we giving it to the Lord?

4 Steps to Seek God in Struggle

  1. Cry out to God.

    Don’t shut down or do it on your own - reach out to God! Lay your needs at His feet. He can handle our emotions. 

  2. Share Your Discouragement

    You are allowed to say the hard things. God already knows our hearts - coming to Him in honest conversation is when we allow Him to meet us in the midst of it.

  3. Reorient Your Heart Back to God’s Faithfulness

    Declare to God that you choose to believe in His goodness, His faithfulness, His character, His truth, and His plan. Remember how He has always been faithful to rescue you.

  4. Take the Next Step in Faith

    Be obedient to what God is calling you to, and trust He will honour it. Faith in action. 

Affirming Truth - I will trust God no matter what.

Key scriptures: 

Psalm 9:10

Book of Psalms

Book of Habbakuk

Romans 8:28, 35-39


Connect With Carla:

Inquire about 1:1 coaching ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com

Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com

Come hangout on IG with me @carlaarges

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